Thursday, February 13, 2014

Day 43: William Fitzsimmons - Lions

Artist:   William Fitzsimmons
Album:  Lions

Pre-listening Notes:  The selling point for this seems to be that it was "produced by Death Cab For Cutie's Chris Walla".  This doesn't bode well when your promotional effort highlights your producer's work.  I mean, it got my attention, so maybe that was the intent.  But, I'll give it a shot, the pickings aren't as bountiful as they were the last few weeks.  The internet tells me this folk rock, he is from Pittsburgh, and he is often compared to Elliott Smith.   

Initial Reaction:  Super mellow.  This stuff either tends to be super sappy stuff or some really genius stuff, depending on the songwriter.  But, it's really hard to hide your shortcomings when it's just guitar and a voice.  This first song isn't particularly interesting.  This reminds me more of Iron and Wine than Elliott Smith, or even David Bazan, who I was sort of hoping it would sound like.

Random Thoughts:  He doesn't have a bad voice, it just doesn't have a kick to it.  The stuff is pretty sappy so far.  The subject material seems to be focused on either love lost or love never obtained.  There is some piano going on in this stuff too.  There isn't much variety going on here.  I don't think I was really expecting there to be, but that is one thing this album could use.  I think this also kind of reminds me of Gary Jules.  I'm really having a hard time figuring out where one song ends and another begins.  I'm starting to struggle to get through this, there is really no difference between songs. 

Final Reaction:  Dude has a good voice, can write a song, but it's only one song.  The album just fell victim to the one trick pony problem.  I can't see myself ever wanting to listen to this again.     

Final Grade:  4.5/10

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