Thursday, February 6, 2014

Day 36: Sunn O))) & Ulver - Terrestrials

Artist:   Sunn O))) & Ulver
Album:  Terrestrials

Pre-listening Notes:  Sunn O))), hereby referred to only as Sunn, are the type of band I am never sure what to expect from release to release.  Some of them are just impossible for me to get into, some are not.  Ulver is a band that the only real thing I know about is that they used to be black metal or may still be.  Sunn is more of the droney and experimental variety, so who knows what this will bring.  Here goes.

Initial Reaction: Simple noise coming in to start.  The whole album is only 3 approximately 10 minute long songs long, so the initial reaction may be a third of the release.  Okay, I hear faint horns now.  Not a whole lot going on in this first song, waiting for something heavy, but doesn't quite seem like something heavy is going to kick in.  So that first song really went nowhere.
Random Thoughts:  The second song starts off with a deep heavy droney noise.  I'm starting to get the impression that this release isn't going to be all that exciting.  Yeah, so unless this one song is a complete change, I can't see this being anything I will ever listen to again.  Well, there is slightly more instrumentation in this song, but it's still pretty minimal.  And with about 6 minutes left in the album, vocals kick in.   

Final Reaction:  Not one to go back to, that's for sure.  I'm sure this will get all the accolades from the Pitchfork and similar communities, but I honestly feel like it's based on name recognition alone.  So, yeah, take that for what it's worth.   

Final Grade:  3.5/10

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