Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Day 86: Iron Reagan - Spoiled Identity

Artist:  Iron Reagan
Spoiled Identity EP

Pre-listening Notes
:  I didn't listen to this band, for the first time, until the split with Exhumed that I reviewed back in January, which I really liked.  I have since gone and checked out the LP, which I also liked a lot.  It's crossover.  This EP looks like the speed is going to be ramped up a bit, with thirteen songs and only one of them topping a minute and about half of them don't even hit the twenty second mark.

Initial Reaction:  
The first song hits hard and fast in about 11 seconds.  Nothing more to say than, it's a ripper.

Random Thoughts:  
Even though some songs are only twelve seconds, they don't all just rip through with speed.  Zero Gain starts off slow and throws a little blast of speed in at the very end.  The title track, the previously referenced title track, starts out with a twenty second intro and then comes through with the best song in my eyes.  Your kids an asshole is seven seconds of just letting you know that your kid is, indeed, an asshole over and over.  Cops Don't Like Me, I Don't Like Cops rips through about twenty-five seconds with unrelenting speed.

Final Reaction:  
This will tide the world over until the new LP is done, for Relapse.  It's fast, pissed, and pretty awesome.  It comes in at under five minutes, total.  I almost couldn't keep up with comments, because by the time I finished a sentence a new song, with a new ripping idea was raging through.  But, that doesn't mean they don't pack in a bunch of different ideas and it doesn't leave you wanting more.  I'm definitely becoming a fan of this band, fast.  

Final Grade:

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