Saturday, March 29, 2014

Day 80: Fireworks - Oh, Common Life

Artist:   Fireworks
Album:  Oh, Common Life
Source:  Spotify

Pre-listening Notes:  This is the Michigan based Fireworks, I think there was also one in like Canada or Virginia, or both.  Another pop-punk/melodic hardcore/indie rock not quite one, but a bunch of different genre, bands.  I think I saw these guys once, but that might have been one of the other bands that share this name.  I'm not sure that I remember them if I did, but it's another new to me band, even if they have been around for like eight years.
Initial Reaction:  It's leaning more towards the poppier side of things.  It's got that polished sound that bands seem to hit and then blow up on.  This is probably one of the new bands to fall in love with for this genre.  Or maybe they are more popular than I think and they already have.  Either way, this may not be my thing, but it's well executed.       

Random Thoughts:  Oh wow, the vocals got even poppier.  This song is less pop punk and more alternative rock.  I can't shake the feeling that this vocalist sounds a lot like the singer of Fallout Boy, but it could just be that I only vaguely remember what the singer of Fallout Boy sounds like.  Then this just go all kinds of dancey sounding, and the pop just keeps coming.  This is definitely not for me.  This reminds me a little bit of where Saves the Day started heading, musically, after Through Being Cool. 

Final Reaction:  This is not in my wheelhouse, but I can see this band being a lot of people's favorite band.  It's a little too sugary for me, but I didn't hate listening to it, which is saying something, I guess.  I'll be high school kids across America are going to eat this up.    

Final Grade:  5.5/10

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